Sector Coupling

Sector Coupling
Our research develops and assesses Power-to-heat-to-storage-to-X technologies along different scales: From molecules to energy systems.

Our research on Sector Coupling analyzes energy conversion and storage technologies across multiple scales: From molecules – over processes – to energy systems – and back:

  • Molecules are optimized for newly developed technologies which are then directly integrated into the overall energy system to analyze their performance within the entire system. Integration options to the energy system are investigated, and operation strategies are optimized.
  • Starting from the energy system, requirements are identified for technologies and used as targets for the development on the process and molecular scales.

Thereby, we focus on technologies that enable sector coupling, such as high-temperature heat pumps and organic Rankine cycles. The key methods for our work are predictive thermodynamics, process optimization (MINLP), and energy system modeling and optimization (LP and MILP).

Contact: Leonard Göke

Group members

Representative publications

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