Carbon capture and storage

Carbon capture and storage
Our research aim to advance net-negative emission technologies by bridging the scales from development of capture materials to holistic technology assessment of CCS technologies at the system level.

Limiting the impact of climate change requires reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to net-zero by 2050. To achieve such a steep reduction in emissions, carbon capture will be required for hard-to-abate greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon capture is also key to negative emission technologies needed to compensate unavoidable GHG emissions. In our group, we thus aim to advance carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. We consider entire CCS value chains bridging the scales from the development of capture materials to a holistic technology assessment at the system level.

Our current research focuses on designing novel adsorption materials for carbon capture processes and the techno-economic and environmental assessments of overall carbon capture, transport, and storage value chains. We apply our multi-scale approaches to analyze the potential of CO2 capture from sources such as wastewater treatment, flue gases from fossil power plants, waste incineration, cement and steel production, or directly from the air.

Contact: Vincent Dufour-Décieux

Group members

Representative publications